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  • Writer's pictureKaran Joshi

Top 5 Women’s Health Problems

Nobody can argue against the fact that being a woman is tough sometimes (or constantly, let's face it). Despite the fact that womanhood accompanies a lot of rewards, the novel moves can feel impossible to navigate sometimes. There is uplifting news, however. Numerous women's health problems are preventable or treatable, so you can conquer your symptoms. Here are a couple of the top health problems for women to know about.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Specialists estimate that up to 80% of women of reproductive age experience PMS symptoms. PMS has become so normalized that it's regularly observed as a joking matter, yet it can really be damaging. A few women get PMS symptoms that sideline them for days.

Pregnancy, labor, and delivery

Pregnancy and labor are magical! It's a period loaded up with light and love for some mommas-to-be. Be that as it may, pregnancy, labor, and delivery all accompany potential complications. At the point when you start your pregnancy journey, enlisting the assistance of an obstetrician you love is vital.

Reproductive health complications

Women face numerous health issues identified with their reproductive organs, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina. Basic complications, for example, endometriosis, PCOS, uterine fibroids, and sexually communicated ailments, influence a huge number of women worldwide.


Unique issues women face further down the road, menopause brings a large group of difficulties. Most women battle symptoms, for example, hot flashes, disturbed sleep, weight gain, hair loss, and mood changes. While these symptoms are absolutely normal, that doesn't mean you need to simply brave them.

Mental health

In spite of the fact that a considerable lot of the issues women face are physical, various mental health issues influence women, as well. In particular, depression and anxiety are normal among women.

The World Health Organization reports that women are more likely than men to report physical symptoms that can't be explicitly distinguished. Normalizing mental health care and getting self-care and care rehearses that work for you are vital to a healthy life.

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