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  • Writer's pictureKaran Joshi

Roadside Assistance Is Essential Due To Poor Road Conditions

Motorists will often come across hazardous and poor road conditions while out driving. Ruts, icy, roads, and potholes are all risky conditions that you can encounter. Always be alert while out on the road and keep these things in mind:

  • Ruts don’t always do too much damage to your car, however if you hit them hard enough they can cause you to lose control. A car crash can occur as a result. If you crash, damage can come to both the car and the driver.

  • Icy roads are an extremely hazardous condition to encounter. So many car accidents happen as a result of vehicles slipping and sliding on icy roads. The best way to avoid accidents related to icy roads to try avoiding driving on them at all. If you must go out on the road, then drive slowly and cautiously by keeping a good amount of distance between your vehicle and other vehicles on the road.

  • Potholes are also dangerous. If you see one coming up while driving, slow down as much as you can and firmly grip the wheel with both of your hands. Hitting a pothole too hard can throw your car out of alignment. Potholes also can damage steel-belted tires and cause you to lose control of your car.

It isn’t always possible to guess when you may come across poor road conditions in your travels. This makes it essential to practice defensive driving. In addition, be sure to sign up with a reliable Roadside Assistance Service Provider program that can come to your aid in the event of an emergency.

There is nothing more inconvenient than attempting to start your car and realizing that the battery is dead. You either need to call for roadside assistance or get someone to help you with a jump-start. A way to help lessen the chance of a dead battery occurring is by performing proper maintenance. Routinely check your car’s battery to see if the terminals have any corrosion or tightness.

If the terminals are corroded, you can clean them using a toothbrush and a mixture of water and baking soda. Also, check to see if the battery has any cracks, leaks, or damages. If you find any of these issues be sure to immediately replace your battery.

It is a good idea to try to save your battery before signs of wear and tear start to show up. However, it isn’t always possible to predict when your battery will die. Be prepared for such an unexpected occurrence by signing up with a roadside assistance program today.

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